Current Affairs: "The Annihilation Of Florida: An Overlooked National Tragedy" by Jeff VanderMeer

Writing in Current Affairs, novelist and noted Floridian Jeff VanderMeer connects a great many dots (with links and footnotes) regarding how and why Florida leaders and developers have repeatedly worked together to destroy the state's unique ecosystem, what's wrong with the toll roads projects, why the wildlife corridor will fail, and why most Floridians sleep each night on the suffocated corpes of gopher tortoises. It's detailed, vigorously-argued, and must-read treatise on why we need to care for this onetime Eden. 

You can tell many stories about Florida, but one of the most tragic and with the worst long-term consequences is this: since development in Florida began in earnest in the 20th century, state leaders and developers have chosen a cruel, unsustainable legacy involving the nonstop slaughter of wildlife and the destruction of habitat, eliminating some of the most unique flora and fauna in the world. 

Full article here.
