On Working For The Clampdown, And How Not To Make Things Worse

Oil painting by John William Waterhouse showing Roman emperor Nero lying flat on a bed looking remorseful
I mentioned to a competent, courteous, and hard-working call center customer service representative this morning that one of her company's policies was "psychotic." I acknowledged, of course, that I was aware she did not create the policy nor have any discretion about enforcing it.

My statement was objectively a factual one, and I stand by it. Moreover, it was clearly relevant to our conversation.

Looking back on it now, however, I regret saying it and I feel bad. She was doing her job and doing it conscientiously, and I did not improve the speed or quality of our transaction by using truthful but inflammatory language.

I shall strengthen my resolve to not make life harder for the other victims of the clampdown. Until the revolution comes, we must all serve our algorithmic overlords.

— J.F. "Jeff" McCullers

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Image: John William Waterhouse, (1878). "The Remorse of Nero After the Murder of His Mother." Oil on canvas.
